You know the type.


Warning Sign

They act with authority yet avoid accountability, drowning you in marketing jargon and thought-leadership doublespeak until you don’t know up from down.


Warning Sign

They blindly worship a supposedly all-knowing higher power: data - Always focusing on what's come before rather than brave, new ideas.


Warning Sign

They’re purposefully vague about budgets and scope, until your campaign has suddenly spiralled into six-figures without you even knowing it.

We need to get back to basics.

That’s why our approach to creative marketing and branding focuses on what your customers actually want to see and hear - leaving all the nonsense out of it. With more transparency, empathy, and creativity. Less excuses, ego, and content for content’s sake.

So, why not try something different this year?

Still not convinced?Check out this video we made.

Choose a creative agency.

Not a cult.

hi@dirty.fiContact us+358 40 774 1312